Our City Forest has partnered with the city of Campbell to build up the urban forest. Campbell residents are eligible to receive up to 2 free trees to be planted in their park strip or within the first 10 feet of the yard if there is no park strip. If stump removal is required to plant, then the City of Campbell will cover the cost of the service.

Note: While we are still accepting applications, the Our City Forest Campbell free tree planting program will resume in Fall of 2023.

How to get your tree(s):

Step 1: 

• Fill out Tree Stewardship Application and send to trees@ourcityforest.org and mention that you are applying for free trees for Campbell residents.

Step 2:

  • Our certified arborist will stop by for a site visit to assess your property, while taking into consideration the species preferences you’ve indicated on your Tree Stewardship Application. We will relay these species and planting location recommendations back to you, and you can make a decision from the given options.

  • Once you have decided on a tree species, it will be sent to the Campbell arborist for approval. If needed, alternate species will be recommended.

Step 3: 

• Our City Forest will work with you to schedule a date to plant your tree(s) free of charge!

After planting, we will provide information on how to care for your tree!


Please contact our community planting team at trees@ourcityforest.org or call 408-998-7337 x 124

After submitting, our planting team will contact you soon. Additional Questions? Email our Planting Managers at maggie@ourcityforest.org or marisa@ourcityforest.org